You’re not suppose to say ‘no’ to things.  Wait, that’s my story.  I’m not suppose to say ‘no’ to things – lest I look weak, unable, or incompetent.   I don’t know who to blame (aside from myself) for the creation of this “say yes” story.  But I’ll blame Obama, after all, he reinforced it.
Yes, we (I) can!
It’s such a rallying call – full of spirit, enthusiasm.  You (I) can do anything!  Makes me want to wave pom poms and do a cheerleading jump.
That is, until I hear what I’m saying “yes” to…

  • ordering food for 200 for within the hour
  • getting a  copy of a book not yet published
  • selling something that doesn’t exist or sucks
  • throwing someone under the bus
  • making 500 copies only to throw them away
  • ignoring the will of the many, to satisfy the one
  • being a pawn in a game I don’t want to play
  • putting my health at risk for a job

I’ve said yes to all of these.
And then all of a sudden (as in this year), everyone is telling me to say no.  It’s like drug education all over again – just say “no”!
I don’t know if it’s a fad of the work/life-balance times in which we life, or if its like a Legend of Zelda secret room that you search to find – and now you have the power of “NO”.  Maybe its just a factor of age?  Or maybe, it’s been there all along and I’ve been deaf.
Regardless, it rules.
No, we (I) can’t!
It’s so powerful.  Again, making me want to wave pom poms and do a cheerleading jump.

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