A new report is out from Michael Moody and the USC Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy on the effect of donor socialization.  A slim 41 pages ask & answer the question, what does it take to become a venture philanthropist.  Not viewed from the investment or evaluation side, but through the lens of cultural and personal socialization.

Having both experiential and educational tracks, Social Venture Partners is the perfect organization to expand our understanding of how donors are socialized & how this affects their giving experiences.  As SVP Calgary, we weren’t surprised to hear that most Partners find participation in the experiential tracks, both through the Investment Committee (grantmaking) and with the Investees (volunteering), to be the most rewarding.

There is a truth to “you get out if it how much you put into it” – and as the report alludes, that effort is directly correlated to increased empowerment and confidence in Partner’s personal giving.  After involvement with SVP, Partners tend to give larger gifts to fewer organizations – usually organizations whom they know deeply.

I’m a geek, but the words “donor socialization” made me giddy.  It’s not just about writing a check, its about cultivating an entire culture.

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