“I need a history on China to read on the plane.”
Check.  My type-A self was out the door. Hello, Amazon. Which is the highest ranked, bestest, most complete book on China?  Sure, I knew it was going to be a thick one. It’s a history of China after all.
A week later and the worst five words ever uttered, “she wants to see you.”  Crap.
“What is this?”
(Breathe). “It’s the book on China’s history you requested.”
“I’m travelling there, not researching it.”
“You said it was a long flight.”
“When you go to a bookstore, they have a section called ‘travel’.  That’s what I need.”
“And I already have this book.”
Nevermind that I’d spent the last five years traveling.  Nevermind that I could visualize the actual book she needed.  No no, nevermind that I actually am competent.
No matter how seemingly minute, how incredibly easy the task make seem…
Set expectations early.
Don’t be that girl who ordered the history of China when a book on culture shock would have sufficed.

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