I’m probably more excited than a thirty-something woman should be that X-men: First Class opened this weekend. While I’ve yet to see it, I’ve read the reviews and the articles surrounding the release. In reading the reviews, I was shocked that X-men 2 & 3, and the Wolverine movies were actually dubbed as duds.
I love them.
In the X-men world, I oscillate between loving Jean Gray and Storm. I love superheros & I’m a big nerd.
It’s true, that in growing up with Wonder Woman, Superman, and the Greatest American Hero, there was nothing that couldn’t be achieved. Superheroes epitomized the good ole’ American dream. Sure, it was gonna take hard work and there’s be some tragedy, but if you tried hard enough, anything was possible – and fire, wind, or steel might just shoot out of your hand or hip.
Interestingly, in the place that I grew up or in the the story that I created about it, superheroes became vastly superior to all things fantasy.
Remember, in elementary school when every kid loved reading Where the Wild Things Are and A Wrinkle in Time? Or when we were nine and loved Fred Savage & his grandfather’s story of The Princess Bride*? And of course who could forget the multi-year sage and penultimate love of many, Star Wars? Then, think back to the early 2000’s when the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy hit the big screen and you were transported to your pre-pubescent self?
Didn’t you love it all? I didn’t.
And if you did, I dub you a dork.
Now, one who publicly professes to loving superheroes and admitting to being nerd should not throw stones. But the distinction is an important one. I struggled in writing this post because I knew there’s be shades of grey. Alright nerd, what about Indiana Jones? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Superheroes or fantasy? Neither. They are action heroes**.
Ah, the eighties. It was a world rich in make-believe. And not just for children. Superheroes gave us a way to understand the fallibility of all humans with just enough hope to keep us moving forward. I never tried to fly. I don’t think I can walk through walls. But I still have hopes that if cornered in an alley fight, I’ll have a magic gold whip in my hip pocket or an all-of-a-sudden spinning back, high kick to take out my enemies. And the background music will sound, Wonnnder Wommman.
*Disclaimer: I first saw the Princess Bride when I was twenty-seven on a first-ish date with my now husband. We also had the song at our wedding. I still wasn’t a huge fan. I did like the song however.
**Decided after an intense chat with my sister, a former Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle) aficionado.