If I was addicted to my iPhone before, now it has become a matter of life and death. Apple needs to consider advertising directly to new moms who are rocking in their chairs at 2 a.m. and wondering what’s up in the world. I know that the die-hards will say you shouldn’t be doing anything else while feeding your baby…you are bonding. Well, at 2 a.m., she’s eating and I’m getting to my Words with Friends game. It’s a win-win.
Plus, the glow of the iPhone has eliminated the need to turn on lights. Meaning, baby goes back to sleep easier.
It’s more than just games, here’s a half dozen of my favorite mom-sanity-saving iPhone apps:
Words with Friends: You know true friends are the ones who don’t mind that it took you 76 hours to play your next word. They get it.
The Wonder Weeks: This app will teach you about the 10 development leaps your child will encounter in the first 20 months. Their cute little chart will show you when your kid is going to suck.
Twitter: Faster than the nightly news. It’s like peering through the window of my old life. Hey guys, Hey guys, whatcha doing?
DropBox: All of the real-work-PDFs that I’m going to read “someday” get dropped in here. Really, I will read them. Someday.
Web Albums: Apple doesn’t like Google so Web Albums updates my Picasa Photo Albums with my iPhone photos. Feeding the baby and keeping the grandparents updated – I’m a multi-generational multi-tasker.
Etsy: Shopping on-line was fun. Until you could shop on an app.