“Why was she up at 5:30am. Does she have gas again? What was I dreaming about when she woke up? Food Trucks? I wonder why. I need to decide on day care? I think Tuesday and Thursdays are good. Won’t I miss her? But being at home all day drives me crazy. But she just started sucking her thumb, it’s so cute. But probably a bad habit that will cost me loads in braces. What food do I bring to day care? How do I figure out the nursing thing? She’ll get sick. That reminds me, I need to schedule her six month Dr’s appointment. I wonder if her belly button is still herniated. Shouldn’t I be able to tell? That would be insane if she needed surgery. She’s so little…but getting so big. So big that I had to move up her car seat straps and take out the head rest today. Much better. She’s still napping. That’s awesome. It gives me time to write. I wonder why she’s sleeping so long? Maybe a growth spurt. I need to try solids again today. Hopefully, she doesn’t puke again. I can’t seem to get the timing right. But she seems to like them. It’s cute watching her mouth and tongue learn to eat. Messy, but cute. Maybe we’ll just stick to oatmeal a bit longer. But my sister says to keep trying. What will I do when I’m not with AZ grandma and my sister? Ugh, Calgary sounds cold. Alright. Just relax. You have time. I should think about Christmas and gifts. Or maybe I should focus on watching this TV show that’s on.”
Husband: “Michele, What are you thinking about?”
Me: “Eh, nothing.”
Ha Ha! So true!!