Rhetoric vs. Action

It’s ultimately a chicken vs. egg debate – do you set up democracy first, then build a hospital; or do you build a hospital and hope it helps democracy to grow? U.S. foreign policy loves spreading democracy and freedom.  How this is done* varies by current...

Yes you can

Categorized in Int’l Philanthropy, Public Foreign Aid There is an electric feeling in the air and a sense of optimism that feels so fresh – as though we’ve finally sloughed off the woolly, fear-laden misery of the last eight years.  I would say it feels...

CGI goes East

This WSJ post regarding a December meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative in Hong Kong caught my attention.   While I’m keen on the idea of promoting philanthropic actions around the world, I’m also sensitive to the fact that these actions may not be one-size fits...

Cultivating New Giving

A couple of weeks ago, I thought I was writing on the worst the economy had to offer.  Fast forward to now – the world is involved and my local newspaper is reporting on the expected dip in non-profit donations.  The economy, coupled with the newly released...

Bits and Pieces

While my mind has been swirling around Wall Street these past few days, a few philanthropy bits have caught my attention. Going to the Dogs- If you recall that a few of Leona Helmsley’s millions were left to the care and welfare of dogs, you might appreciate the...

A Forum for Risk

Last week, a sports-fan friend introduced me to an on-line forum where he publicly posts his weekly football picks.  Coupled with the team he believes will prevail is a brief rationale of why he is making this choice and placing his bet on a particular team.  For him,...

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