by mfg | Sep 19, 2008 | US Philanthropy
With Gustav, Hanna, and Ike just behind us and many more letters of the alphabet still to go, the GAO’s report Voluntary Organizations: FEMA Should More Fully Assess Organizations’ Mass Care Capabilities and Update the Red Cross Role in Catastrophic Events asks...
by mfg | Sep 16, 2008 | US Philanthropy
Yesterday’s Give and Take blog brought up questions similar to those of my post on Frannie and Freddie Mac. (There are some interesting responses coming in from the public today.) With the Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch shake-up, the instability of AIG, the...
by mfg | Sep 12, 2008 | US Philanthropy
This week’s government take over/bail out/acquisition of Fannie and Freddie Mac has prompted some very interesting conversations on all sides of government, business, and the non-profit sector – including how to balance the drive for profit with the desire...
by mfg | Sep 5, 2008 | US Philanthropy
Residing in a oil-rich province, my morning reading consists of the daily banter between business tycoons and the environmental conservationists. Last month, a group of Canadian Sierra Club members bicycled to the tar sands (approximately 1,000 km) to gather water...
by mfg | Jul 23, 2008 | US Philanthropy
In my pursuit to better understand international philanthropy, someone posed the question to me, “Should western style philanthropy really be a world-wide model (the standard)?” I don’t know how to fully answer and it is a question that keeps me thinking. The...
by mfg | Jul 11, 2008 | US Philanthropy
Last week’s release of the 2008 Index of Global Philanthropy by the Hudson Institute, Center for Global Prosperity showed the power that private money is having on the world of philanthropy. Citing that in 2006 government aid equaled less that 25% of the all...