Research and Education
Writing and Articles
How does it feel?: Online Giving Platforms
If you've chatted with me lately, I've likely babbled on about an idea called peer-to-peer giving. You can read some earlier thoughts here. In summary, philanthropy has done an amazing job at getting folks to give (time, money, goods) to organizations. However, in the process of being so good at...
When Philanthropy is Personal
In what certainly could have seem Rapture-induced (if that’s the way you like to believe), two of three of my family members lost their homes in the Joplin tornado on May 21. The entire family, including out-of-town guests, were preparing for my cousin’s high school graduation. The high school,...
A Supply-Demand Imbalance?
A few weeks ago, I sat in a conversation about social finance amongst the community economic development (CED) crowd in Calgary. Together, we had a great conversation surrounding Canadian demand for slow money, patient capital, and discounted community mortgages. The one common theme emerging from...
Why are you still on your couch?: The Power of P2P Giving
I do my best thinking while driving. More often than not it's a pop song that helps me formulate my thoughts. I'm a pretty simple gal. It's not about the money, money, money; We don't need your money, money, money. Everybody look to their left; Everybody look to their right. Can you feel that?...
Social Finance as a Design Challenge
Last week, I wrote to IDEO and recommended that, along with food production and maternal health, they should add ‘social finance’ as a design challenge on their OpenIDEO site. I was pleasantly surprised to receive an email, from a real person, acknowledging my request and noting that it’ll be...
Wait, I don’t quite understand your funding.
Last week, at the Advancing Social Enterprise event hosted by The Calgary Foundation and SVP Calgary, I got quite a few questions about Trico Foundation funding. Clarity around our funding is in the eye of the beholder. While we’ve attempted to articulate it on our website, we also understand...
Blended Value Prezi, June 1, 2011
A prezi that I gave on the topics of Blended Valued - Social Business and Social Enterprise to University of Lethbridge students (June 1, 2011). Blended Value - Social Business & Social Enterprise on Prezi
The Foundations of a Foundation
I love private foundations. That’s not a statement that folks usually say on a daily basis, and if they do, they are small in number. But I really do. While most of our writing is on social entrepreneurship, I wanted to give a little inside look into the world of private foundations – in three...
Trico Foundation Invests in Social Entrepreneurship
When I started writing for, I had the intention to write about events unfolding in social enterprise within Western Canada. I’ve broadened my perspective since then, but I’m always looking for great news from the West that I can share. Today, I’m particularly excited to share the...