by mfg | Feb 5, 2015 | Young.
Every morning, I watch the water in the Thames River as my daughter and I take our three-minute ferry ride from Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf. As we get closer to the Wharf side, I can start to see the tall buildings of London in the background – the Shard, the...
by mfg | Feb 5, 2015 | Young.
I just needed to move continents, have a breath of fresh air and pain au chocolat. There’s more to say and it’s coming faster than you can order cupcakes. Image:
by mfg | Jan 5, 2014 | Mom., Young.
A 103 degree fever this week had me removing my daughter’s fancy, modern sleep sack in favor of a lighter blanket. As I rubbed her back, I found myself studying the blanket I’d chosen. An afghan crocheted by my grandma. Growing up, we had afghans...
by mfg | Dec 9, 2013 | Young.
A old friend from high school passed away last month. We had reconnected last year after S was born. The first time in seventeen years. It feels astounding to write that. When he passed, I was flooded with images and feelings of high school. I wandered down the road...
by mfg | Sep 19, 2013 | Mom., Young.
My daughter is a late walker. In fact, she didn’t start crawling until she was already cruising. For a while, my husband and I worried about her development. But like most “secrets”, once we started talking to others about her late walking they...
by mfg | Aug 25, 2013 | Young.
I’m a Pinterest pinner with really big ambitions…and bad follow through. I’ve pinned enough recipes and craft ideas to last me the rest of my life. So when I came across the DIY photo canvas idea and actually found myself at Michael’s picking...