Two weeks ago, I found myself at a cute little salon called Frilly Lilly.  Entering the boutique is quite lovely, everything in shades of pink and white & products that smell like sugary goodness.  I was wearing a dress and it felt like I was going to a sweet afternoon tea party.
That’s the beauty of Frilly Lilly. They make you forget why you are really there…to have hair ripped from your pores.
What I found fascinating in the thirty-minute process was the depth of conversations I had with my hair removal specialist.  Just like the service itself, this was no simple ‘how’s the weather’ conversation.  Each time she’d reach over to dip that damn Popsicle stick in wax and blow on it, I knew that I’d need to come up with another good topic before the ya-owww.
(I actually was in the middle of the sentence when instead of inserting a word, I inserted ‘ouch’.)

  1. The various class of immigration status into Canada (the difference between temporary workers, permanent residents and citizens)
  2. Bachelorette parties
  3. Ectopic pregnancy and/or why do you have C-section scar but no kids?
  4. How it feels to live in Calgary as an immigrant
  5. Pressure from family or friends after marriage to have babies
  6. Why I don’t like winter sports (answer: too much fiddling with gear when its cold outside)

What about you?  Have any go-to topics for those fun Dr’s appointment or beauty treatments?

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