What’s Next for Philanthropy?

What’s Next for Philanthropy?

When Bob sends an email and says, “I would be interested in hearing your views on “What’s Next” in philanthropy, I know that he’s trying to help me get the thoughts out of my head and onto paper.  Prompting me with Monitor Institute’s newest...

360 degrees.

Last June, I applied to take part in the six-month program offered by the Max Bell Foundation to educate nonprofit staff and volunteers on how to engage in public policy and advocacy.  As part of the application, I needed to identify an “ask”.  Coming from...

13 Years.

Folks who know me are not surprised when my mind jumps from thought to thought.   It’s not easy to carry on a conversation, but they are use to it.   In fact, the reason I write is because it helps to sort out my monkey brain, as it swings from idea to idea. I...

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