So You Want To Be A Diplomat

So You Want To Be A Diplomat

A good friend from my M.A. program shared this with me & it says more than I ever could. Two years ago, I took the Foreign Service exam and passed. I went to Washington for the interview. The city was beautiful in May, and the Canadian was shocked that it...

The Foundation vs. The Wamulians

I saw an advertisement during the Superbowl for the movie Cowboys vs. Aliens. It’s not a movie that’s really up my alley, but the mental connection that I had made me laugh. The Foundation vs. The Wamulians. When we first moved back to the U.S. from our...
We need to talk about your TPS reports.

We need to talk about your TPS reports.

Hands down.  Best office-going-away-present ever. The gift giver knows who she is. And I said, I don’t care if they lay me off either, because I told, I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time, then, then I’m, I’m quitting, I’m going...
Yes, we (I) can!

Yes, we (I) can!

You’re not suppose to say ‘no’ to things.  Wait, that’s my story.  I’m not suppose to say ‘no’ to things – lest I look weak, unable, or incompetent.   I don’t know who to blame (aside from myself) for the creation...

Hi, I am Michele.

The idea for this blog started four years ago, but I didn’t know it would be a blog.  It was simply a title and a collection of funny things that were happening in my career.  I never started writing because I thought “one day, I’ll write a...

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